Tribal Member Resources


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Tribal Department


Events staff/Committee assists the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe with hosting our tribal/community events. We assist with preparations, outsource local companies, anything that involves hosting Tribal events and make things easier and less expensive for all Muckleshoot programs.

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Tribal Department

Muckleshoot Community Center

The purpose of the community center is to foster community engagement, cultural preservation and provide a safe and inclusive cultural space for all community members.

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Related Programs

Tribal Program

Youth Activities Fund

Youth Activities Fund Program is intended to support Muckleshoot youth athletics in the pursuit of activities that are positive and creative. Involvement in activities will teach the Muckleshoot youth the essential life skills of self-discipline, commitment, teamwork, ...

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Tribal Program

Recreation Program

The Recreation program strives to provide Muckleshoot youth ages 5-17, who are enrolled in school, opportunities to help learn fundamental sports skills and strategies, and experience an array of recreational activities in a fun, safe, and sober environment.

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