September 2023 (Section II)

Vol. XXIV, No. 5
Muckleshoot indian reservation, wash.
September 2023
Canoe Journey 2023

Paddle to Muckleshoot 2023: Honoring Our Warriors Past and Present

A Week to Remember

120 canoes and well over 10,000 people came to our territory as we hosted this year’s Paddle to Muckleshoot. Countless stories were shared, hundreds of people were honored, and the beautiful ancient cultures of the Salish Sea and beyond were celebrated by all, from the eldest elders to the tiniest children. It was a week that will remain in the memories of those who witnessed it for the rest of their lives.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so a thousand pictures should be worth a million words, and many, many thousands were taken. These pages will feature both the work of outstanding professional photographers as well as tribal members who captured precious moments on their cellphones. One Muckleshoot mom posted that her little one always wants to stop and go into the Community Center whenever they drive by, thinking the protocols will still be going on. It was indeed a week to remember, a week to be proud. Enjoy the photos.

“Welcome to the shores and land of the Muckleshoot people...”

“We are unbelievably honored you have accepted our invitation and you have traveled such a long distance to deliver your proud people amongst us. We look forward and are eager to share our home and all it has to offer with you; exchanging our cultures… we will share our drums, our songs, our dances.

“We will celebrate together during this joyous time and we will provide the best of our shelter, our food and our drink to you as one of our own… welcome our friends and relations; you have our utmost permission to come ashore!”

– Tribal Council Vice Chairman, Donny Stevenson

View All Photos from the Paddle to Muckleshoot Edition

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Vol. XXIV, No. 5

September 2023 (Section II)

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About the Muckleshoot Messenger

The Muckleshoot Messenger is a Tribal publication created by the Muckleshoot Office of Media Services. Tribal community members and Tribal employees are welcome to submit items to the newspaper such as news, calendar items, photos, poems, and artwork.