Your vote is your voice! Find important election tools, deadlines, and other information here to participate in Tribal, local, state, and national elections.
Monday January 6, 2025 5:30pm – 7:30pm
Elders Complex 17800 SE 392nd St Auburn, WA 98092
Candidate Night is for voters to interact with the Candidates running for Tribal Council.
Absentee Ballots must be received by January 17, 2025 by mail:
Elections Administrator
PO Box 1697, Auburn, WA 98071-1697
Or, drop box at Philip Starr Building by 8:00 pm January 20, 2025
January 20, 2025 8:00am – 8:00pm
Philip Starr Building Cougar Room
Muckleshoot Elections Administrator
PO Box 1697, Auburn, WA 98071-1697