2025 Muckleshoot Tribal Council Election

Your vote is your voice! Find important election tools, deadlines, and other information here to participate in Tribal, local, state, and national elections.

Important Dates



Candidate Night

Monday January 6, 2025 5:30pm – 7:30pm
Elders Complex 17800 SE 392nd St Auburn, WA  98092

Candidate Night is for voters to interact with the Candidates running for Tribal Council.



Absentee Ballots

Absentee Ballots must be received by January 17, 2025 by mail:

Elections Administrator
PO Box 1697, Auburn, WA  98071-1697 

Or, drop box at Philip Starr Building by 8:00 pm January 20, 2025



Election Day

January 20, 2025 8:00am – 8:00pm
Philip Starr Building Cougar Room

Muckleshoot Tribal Council Candidates

Micah McDaniel Sr.
Henry Miller
John (JC) Byars
Janice Hannigan Moses
Valerie Bellack
Sharon Hamilton
Amelia Starr
Jacqueline (Jackie) Starr
Hailey Joe
Mike Jerry Sr.
Jaison Elkins
John Daniels Jr.
Madrienne White

Muckleshoot Voter Guide

[Placeholder copy until more information is provided - this paragraph should summarize how/why Tribal Council has come to the following conclusions] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Candidates & Measures Supported by Muckleshoot Tribal Council

Supported King County Candidates & Measures:

[Supported Candidate Name]

[Supported Measure Name]

[Supported Candidate Name]

[Supported Measure Name]

Supported Pierce County Candidates & Measures:

[Supported Candidate Name]

[Supported Measure Name]

[Supported Candidate Name]

[Supported Measure Name]

Candidates & Measures Opposed by Muckleshoot Tribal Council

Opposed King County Candidates & Measures:

[Opposed Candidate Name]

[Opposed Measure Name]

[Opposed Candidate Name]

[Opposed Measure Name]

Opposed Pierce County Candidates & Measures:

[Opposed Candidate Name]

[Opposed Measure Name]

[Opposed Candidate Name]

[Opposed Measure Name]

Information About All Candidates & Measures

King County — Visit the King County Elections website to learn more about all candidates and measures on the 2024 General Election ballot:

Pierce County — View the Pierce County Elections Voters’ Pamphlet to learn more about all candidates and measures on the 2024 General Election ballot.

Muckleshoot Elections Contact

Lonna Swanson, Elections Administrator

Muckleshoot Elections Administrator
PO Box 1697, Auburn, WA 98071-1697