Contact Info

Program Lead(s)
Melvin Daniels

17610 SE 400th St

Auburn, WA 98092


Department Overview

AWTP continues to offer an introduction to varied positions within the tribe. Our job placement strategy has provided AWTP personnel to departments that need long- or short-term assistance to fulfill workforce duties. Muckleshoot Tribal Departments have contributed greatly to the success of AWTP participants by providing hands-on experience with in wide-ranging positions.

AWTP Participants are provided an opportunity to learn valued introductory job skills. The objective is to increase employability. This incorporates efforts of participant's continuing education goals, breaking barriers to employment and health/wellness awareness. A strong skill foundation can be achieved, competing for varied career and occupational goals.


  • Continue providing job-ready candidates for potential work needs with in the tribe.
  • Provide assistance with community service work and events.
  • Support introduction and presentation of preparation of traditional foods.
  • Continue programs efforts in procuring culturally significant raw and processed materials, for tribal programs’ use.
  • Also provide finished culturally related items (examples – drums, baskets, carvings and preserved foods.)

Services Provided

Two Muckleshoot youths proudly presenting documentation of their new drivers' licenses.
Scotty Sam and Timmy Ross Jr. received their driver’s licenses!

Success of any program relies on an ability to provide consistent actions including assessment, case management, maintaining employer partnerships with job placement, and solid retention programs. We’ve developed standards for AWTP components: onboarding, training requirements and assessment intervals are essential to promoting a successful operation.

Together with tools and actions, AWTP can deliver a candidate whom employers will want to hire, and empower partners to easily identify graduates whom have acquired selected skill sets, overall job readiness, and position qualifications to potentially gain full-time employment.

Hands On or Position Introduction within Tribal Programs

Through the placement program, training will be delivered by the department partnering with AWTP. A job-ready candidate for potential employers will be provided with introduction to established positions – and may present strong candidacy if recruitment for Full-Time Employment (FTE) opportunities become available.

Developing Relationships and Placement Standards

One major goal is to develop a set of standards that will ensure participants involved with placement partnerships gain valued introductory skills. By itself, the job readiness training program cannot solely guarantee that participants will meet the standards set by a single employer. However, the skills acquired provide a strong foundation for applying to a wide variety of similar positions and occupations.

Muckleshoot Tribal members stand over a table outdoors, carefully slicing fresh salmon.
Learning to fillet and smoke salmon.

Community Outreach

AWTP Field Supervisor and Crew provide various services thoroughout the year; wood delivery for elders, program assistance, special events, and beautification projects. Cultural connections are essential to our community and we aid in making the associated items used in the traditional giveaways associated with many tribal sponsored events.

Related Resources

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Overseen Programs

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Read about this program's achievements in the most recent Muckleshoot Annual Report.

Muckleshoot Indian Tribe

2023 Annual Report

Tribal Government Departments
Adult Work Training
Page last updated:
July 11, 2024
10:28 am
Program Lead(s)
Melvin Daniels

17610 SE 400th St

Auburn, WA 98092


Department Overview

AWTP continues to offer an introduction to varied positions within the tribe. Our job placement strategy has provided AWTP personnel to departments that need long- or short-term assistance to fulfill workforce duties. Muckleshoot Tribal Departments have contributed greatly to the success of AWTP participants by providing hands-on experience with in wide-ranging positions.

AWTP Participants are provided an opportunity to learn valued introductory job skills. The objective is to increase employability. This incorporates efforts of participant's continuing education goals, breaking barriers to employment and health/wellness awareness. A strong skill foundation can be achieved, competing for varied career and occupational goals.


  • Continue providing job-ready candidates for potential work needs with in the tribe.
  • Provide assistance with community service work and events.
  • Support introduction and presentation of preparation of traditional foods.
  • Continue programs efforts in procuring culturally significant raw and processed materials, for tribal programs’ use.
  • Also provide finished culturally related items (examples – drums, baskets, carvings and preserved foods.)

Services Provided

Two Muckleshoot youths proudly presenting documentation of their new drivers' licenses.
Scotty Sam and Timmy Ross Jr. received their driver’s licenses!

Success of any program relies on an ability to provide consistent actions including assessment, case management, maintaining employer partnerships with job placement, and solid retention programs. We’ve developed standards for AWTP components: onboarding, training requirements and assessment intervals are essential to promoting a successful operation.

Together with tools and actions, AWTP can deliver a candidate whom employers will want to hire, and empower partners to easily identify graduates whom have acquired selected skill sets, overall job readiness, and position qualifications to potentially gain full-time employment.

Hands On or Position Introduction within Tribal Programs

Through the placement program, training will be delivered by the department partnering with AWTP. A job-ready candidate for potential employers will be provided with introduction to established positions – and may present strong candidacy if recruitment for Full-Time Employment (FTE) opportunities become available.

Developing Relationships and Placement Standards

One major goal is to develop a set of standards that will ensure participants involved with placement partnerships gain valued introductory skills. By itself, the job readiness training program cannot solely guarantee that participants will meet the standards set by a single employer. However, the skills acquired provide a strong foundation for applying to a wide variety of similar positions and occupations.

Muckleshoot Tribal members stand over a table outdoors, carefully slicing fresh salmon.
Learning to fillet and smoke salmon.

Community Outreach

AWTP Field Supervisor and Crew provide various services thoroughout the year; wood delivery for elders, program assistance, special events, and beautification projects. Cultural connections are essential to our community and we aid in making the associated items used in the traditional giveaways associated with many tribal sponsored events.

Related Resources

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Overseen Programs & Services

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