National Suicide Prevention Week is a time to educate and remove the stigma around discussion of suicide. If you or a loved one are struggling with thoughts of suicide, you can find help through these helplines.
The Family Resource Center is a program that makes available certain emergency and other supportive assistance to any tribal member who is experiencing unexpected financial circumstances that affects his or her individual welfare or the welfare of their family. The Tribe views the Resource programs as an important “safety net” for tribal members in need. The Tribe also believes that making this safety net available for tribal members in need as an investment in both Tribal member and the future of the community.
Additional Info Emails:
The Food Bank Program is intended to ensure that needy community families have access to balanced and healthy food. Applicants must come to the Resource Center to pick up food except that the program may deliver food to elderly and/or disabled tribal members residing in the Auburn – Enumclaw vicinity who request food service delivery. The Program Staff will coordinate with other Tribal programs (Seniors or CHR) to ensure that deliveries are carried out as efficiently as possible.
Muckleshoot Tribal Members who have a need may receive personal hygiene packs, children/infant hygiene packs, toilet paper, formula, diapers/pull-ups and laundry soap. Adult hygiene packs usually consist of Shampoo, bar soap, razors, Q-tips, deodorant, toothpaste, tooth brush and feminine products. Children hygiene consists of 3-in-1 shampoo, conditioner and body wash, detangler, toothpaste and toothbrush. Infant hygiene consisting of Baby wash, lotion, diaper rash cream and wipes. Hygiene packs are eligible once a month. Toilet paper and formula are also available once a month. Diapers and pulls ups are available once every 2 weeks. Each infant or toddler receives 24. Laundry soap is available one per quarter.
Clothing donated to the Family Resource Center is a great resource for tribal members and families to take advantage of. Whether it may be baby clothes your kids have outgrown, or the adult clothes that are taking up room in your closet, we welcome all clothing, we do not accept any other items.
Small Tribes Organizations of Western Washington (STOWW). STOWW provides a service for tribal members who qualify via application. The Family Resource Center is only a drop off location for commodities or commodes. Commodes are delivered once a month by STOWW and we deliver to elders that are disabled, single or do not have transportation.
The Emergency Assistance Program is intended to help tribal members, 18 years of age and older who are experiencing an unexpected and emergency problem that affects the health, safety and well-being of tribal members and their families. Who have good reason for not having money available to pay the cost related to the emergency. This assistance is dependent on available funding. The MIT tribal member applying for the benefit must be 18 years of age or legally emancipated.
Household that do not have an 18+ tribal member but have a MIT child can use assistance one time per household, per calendar year. The child must be the homeowner’s biological child or homeowner must have legal custody of the child. Assistance is available for Rental or Mortgage Payment Assistance, Homeowners/Rental Insurance, Short Term Medical (family support & medical appointments), utility assistance, and home repair assistance.
The Hospital Emergency Assistance Program is intended to help Muckleshoot Tribal Member with an immediate family member in the hospital; who are 18 years of age or legally emancipated. The immediate family member has been admitted in the hospital (overnight) more than two consecutive days; the assistance will begin on the third day. Out of state Hotel Assistance is available. Payment for in state assistance will be made for gas (to and from hospital or hotel), parking, hotel, and food. Assistance will be given in $200 increments in the form of a gift card for in state travel. Out of state hospital assistance includes hotel, travel advance, and car rental.
The Hospital Emergency Assistance Program is intended to help Muckleshoot Tribal Members with an immediate family member in the hospital; who are 18 years of age or legally emancipated. The immediate family member has been admitted in the hospital (overnight) more than two consecutive days; the assistance will begin on the third day. Out of state Hotel Assistance is available. Payment for in state assistance will be made for gas (to and from hospital or hotel), parking, hotel, and food. Assistance will be given in $200 increments in the form of a gift card for in state travel. Out of state hospital assistance includes hotel, travel advance, and car rental.
If a Muckleshoot Tribal Member’s home and/or possessions are destroyed by fire, each MIT tribal member of the household, including those under the age of 18, may be eligible to receive $1,000 in emergency assistance. Fire assistance will be considered separate from the total of $1,500 Emergency Assistance. Payment will be made through purchase order to a tribal service provider or to a third party vendor. In order to qualify for this benefit, a report from the fire marshal or similar public official must be provided indicating the extent the extent of damages suffered and a name and phone number to contact to verify the report.
The WSG program is attended to help assist Muckleshoot Tribal member households with their, water, sewer recycling and garbage services.
This program is intended to help seniors, 50 or over with their utility bills. Eligibility and method of payment of will be up to $330 per Qtr. (living within a 30-mile radius from Muckleshoot Tribal Chimney. As long as a household income does not exceed 100% of King County Median Income.The assistance will be paid directly to the energy supplier of heat, electricity or fuel for heating, lighting, or cooking.
This program is intended to help enrolled Muckleshoot tribal members and other natives living in King or Pierce County excluding Seattle with their utility bills. As long as their household doesn’t not exceed 60% of king County Median Income. The grant is formulated near the end of the year around October. There are 2 rounds two rounds of assistance, each round last up to 2 to 3 months.
This program is intended to help enrolled Muckleshoot tribal members and other natives living in King or Pierce County excluding Seattle with their water and wastewater bills. As long as their household doesn’t not exceed 60% of king County Median Income.
This program is intended to help Muckleshoot Tribal member households with their utility bills. They must live in King or Pierce County excluding Seattle with their utility bills. As long as their household doesn’t not exceed 60% of king County Median Income. I usually receive this funding after LIHEAP is over and clients can apply for assistance once a round. Each round lasts 2-3 months long.
Read about this program's achievements in the most recent Muckleshoot Annual Report.