National Suicide Prevention Week is a time to educate and remove the stigma around discussion of suicide. If you or a loved one are struggling with thoughts of suicide, you can find help through these helplines.
The Muckleshoot Indian Tribe believes:
Tribal members who meet the eligibility requirements will be supported to the greatest extent possible by the Tribe. Recognition is intended to be in the form of financial as well as non-financial rewards and Incentives to encourage tribal members to achieve the greatest success possible in their Pre-K through 12 education.
This Program reflects lessons learned from other governments which have recognized that financial rewards make a difference in retention and completion success rates for students.*
*See, State of Texas-Arlington School District (High School Completion Program); United States, Department of Education (Youth Build Grant Program which allows for stipends to be provided to youth in program who remain in school); City of New York- New York Public Schools (combination of city and private funds pay students enrolled in incentive program who remain in school); and State of New Mexico (provides increasingly larger tuition forgiveness plan for state colleges and universities for each year in high school that students enrolled in the special program meet the benchmarks of the program).
Graduating high school seniors are authorized a total award of up to $1000.00 to cover the cost of certain high school graduation expenses. In order to use this incentive, the application must include a receipt for the payment of the item being claimed, in which case a reimbursement check will be provided to the individual who made the payment. A vendor’s invoice for the cost of the item may also be submitted, in which case a check will be made out to the vendor for the purchase of the item. The following items may be purchased through this incentive.
the graduate is also eligible for a Senior Trip which does not expire. The total amount of the trip incentive is not to exceed $6,282.00** which may be used for any of the following:
** Graduations Trips are now $6,804 and there is no time frame required to take the trip.
Read about this program's achievements in the most recent Muckleshoot Annual Report.